An Innovative Group Purchasing Platform for African SMEs

Enabling small businesses across sectors to access the benefits of a Group Purchasing Organization in a decentralized way while driving local participation in resultant supply chains.

African SMEs are fragmented and have no bargaining power versus larger more consolidated suppliers

Standalone operations with a narrow product range and no buying power

Cash strapped and unable to access credit and financial services

Poor access to efficient distribution and logistics channels

Operate offline and are not able to compare different supplier offerings


Unlocking collective buying power.

Sisonke Marketplace enables small businesses to source products at lower prices and access other needed services and offerings. The marketplace operates on an order management and fulfilment platform that consolidates orders so that goods are bought in bulk at lower prices. The platform also enables goods to be transported in bulk quantities to optimize logistics costs and reduce the cost of delivery to small businesses.


Accessible whether offline or online

Sisonke operates through a network of Agents who register and take orders from small businesses in their local community using the Sisonke Mall App. Sisonke Agents can either be individuals or existing physical businesses. The network of physical businesses also serve as payment points and delivery locations for orders.

Lower prices

Businesses get access to lower prices because goods are sourced in bulk

Direct delivery

Goods are delivered either direct to the business or to a nearby agent location


Businesses get discounts and rewards that can be used for future purchases

Payment options

Businesses can make payments through a variety of channels including cash


Businesses get access to short term micro-credit to purchase goods


Businesses can return products that do not meet their requirements


Increasing participation of youth in local supply value chains

Digitally savvy youth get to own and operate either a Sisonke dropshipping franchise – servicing businesses in their local communities, or a micro-courier business – delivering orders within the local community.